CBRE has already awarded a number of OFFICE OF THE YEAR to a number of companies. This year can also take place thanks to the competition partners. The general partner is myhive - a flexible concept of office space. Thanks also belong to the technology partner of Microsoft, and of course to the long-term partner of OFFICE ROKA Nespresso, Bavaris and PremiumBrands.

Slovenské firmy majú kancelárie svetového kalibru. Uspieť môžu, ak sa prihlásia do súťaže OFFICE ROKA

Source: Office of the Year

The winning spaces always have their own special character, they are imaginative, innovative, original and their design is in line with the company's philosophy. Last year, Mobilonline, which became the Absolute Winner of the competition, managed to score the most. She managed to transform the dilapidated historic industrial building Smaltovna into functional spaces with a specific atmosphere. What do they say to the margo competition today?

"I have been following the Office of the Year competition for a few years now, I have always been interested in exceptional and inspiring projects. I realize how much impact my environment has on me, and that's why I left nothing to chance when creating our workspaces. I entered our new office in the competition because I wanted to know how an expert jury would evaluate our efforts. OFFICE OF THE YEAR confirmed to me the theory that we should let the world know if we create something beautiful and from the heart, "answers Milan Kovalančík, owner of Mobilonline.

Slovenské firmy majú kancelárie svetového kalibru. Uspieť môžu, ak sa prihlásia do súťaže OFFICE ROKA

Source: Office of the Year

This year, the expert jury will announce, in addition to the Absolute Winner, also the winners in the categories Innovative Office, Healthy Office and Office as DNA of the company. Last year, BDO (Healthy Office) and Effectivity (Office as a DNA company) succeeded and Microsoft Slovakia scored in the "Innovative Office" category with its digital age spaces that take into account new ways of working.

Peter Gunda, Managing Partner of the consulting company BDO, which won first place in the Healthy Office category, also commented on the margin of the competition. "We wanted to show who we are and how special it can be to work at BDO. The Office of the Year competition not only made it possible for us, but also helped us to appreciate the efforts of our employees and all those who participated in its creation. We designed our office to reflect who we are. That's why we are extremely proud that we were able to prove our uniqueness by winning in the Healthy Office category, "he says.

The individual years of OFFICE OF THE YEAR - with the exception of the pandemic period - are traditionally closed by an inspiring conference on the working environment and current trends. The event will take place in early June and more information will soon appear on the OFFICE OF THE YEAR website. "Although global trends have long indicated the way the world of offices will go, the pandemic has accelerated them even more and the very concept of office has changed. This confirms the fact that if a company wants to keep its employees productive and attractive to new talent, the only way is to follow trends closely and keep pace with rapidly changing needs and expectations. That is why we at CBRE decided to discuss this topic at a professional forum, precisely by organizing a conference, "describes Tomáš Hegedűš, CEO of CBRE Slovakia.

The conference will discuss the most current topics, especially for HR professionals, such as the concepts of flexible offices, management of virtual