In a new district on Bratislava's Niva - near the iconic, renovated Pradiareň 1900 building - a modern ZWIRN OFFICE office building is rising. One of the best dental clinics in Slovakia, 3SDent, is moving there thanks to the possibility to buy your own premises in an attractive neighborhood with excellent accessibility and high traffic.

Its owner, Adam Stebel, says that he decided on his own premises in ZWIRN OFFICE due to good accessibility in the wider city center near the communication hub and also the opportunity to do his work at the highest level thanks to quality premises. "At 3SDent, we are trying to do quality medicine, and our premises have not been up to this point. The change of address was an opportunity for us to provide our clients with the appropriate comfort," says 3SDent owner Adam Stebel.

At the same time, he also mentions the approach of the Finnish developer YIT, which is behind the project of the entire new district ZWIRN. "I am impressed by the Finnish attitude towards work and people and their generally very welcoming social setting. I can also see it in the approach of the Slovak representative office of YIT, in which great empathy works and whose representatives try to accommodate even smaller investors. At the same time, I really liked how they renovated Pradiareň 1900. These reasons also contributed to why we decided to buy space in ZWIRN OFFICE," explains Adam Stebel.

Better premises help the company stand out

The 3SDent clinic was established in 2009 and is based on a personal approach to patients and professional care in a pleasant environment using modern technologies. And it was the existing premises that proved to be a limiting factor in its further development. Although the company modified the floor in the former railway hospital with a polyclinic according to its needs, every reconstruction was complicated by the limitations of the older premises and original installations. In addition, when renting, companies never have the certainty of extending the contract. For example, in the case of the former hospital, it is being considered for a long time to convert it into an apartment building. These reasons led to the search for new premises, and the owner of 3SDent decided to buy in the new ZWIRN OFFICE building.

"We started looking for new premises about two years before we decided on ZWIRN OFFICE. We considered between renting and buying, but in the end we decided to go with the slight uncertainty of buying and borrowing, because it's worth it. Our profession is a job for life, and we told ourselves that we would find a space that would be to our liking and we could stay in it for a really long time. All this in combination with accessibility, so that clients and employees could easily reach us, which was one of the main criteria," Adam Stebel explains the reasons for the purchase.

In this regard, ZWIRN OFFICE has a unique location right next to the bus station with several stops of urban transport, good access for cars from all directions and cycle paths.

An attractive location is also an important factor for employees. With today's lack of quality people on the market, this is one of the parameters by which people choose an employer. If smaller companies want to compete with the giants, their own premises in a neighborhood with enough services and excellent transport links are a key advantage.

Significant modification of company premises? No problem

ZWIRN Office is one of the rare projects, not only with the possibility to buy your own space from 30 m2, but also with a different approach to companies that want to be based there. The variability of spaces plays a key role in the story of the new building. Companies can adjust their future headquarters according to their needs. And that is a benefit that is appreciated, for example, by companies with demanding equipment. "As a dental clinic, we have a number of devices installed in our premises that work with compressed air. If we don't want to have the entire center cluttered with compressors, so to speak, we need to create a central technical room and run all the wiring in the floor. In rented premises, this is significantly more difficult or even impossible. This was no problem at ZWIRN OFFICE," says Adam Stebel.

A one-time investment in own premises is a fundamental plus. "When renting, the problem for us is the high costs for each move, which range in the tens of thousands of euros due to the installation of the devices. We will arrange our own space in our image only once," Stebel explains, adding that they plan to stay in the new premises for a long time.

Nivy is the new corporate downtown

The key role of the location is also confirmed by the real estate consulting company Holland and Company, which also bought an office in ZWIRN Office. "We see the Nivy zone as Bratislava's main business district, which will help us develop our activities in the future as well," says company representative Tomáš Ostatník. The IT company SAMETA was specifically looking for premises in the Nivy area. "Unfortunately, most of the premises in this area are only for rent. ZWIRN Office met the condition of the location and convinced us of the possibility of choosing a floor and also because of the traffic junction literally across the road," said manager Ján Belica.

A better address brings more valuable orders and satisfied employees

Companies that have chosen premises at an excellent address in the premises of the renovated Pradiarne 1900 in the ZWIRN district confirm that better addresses mean better clients and better orders. "In the old offices, we often solved the question of whether we would come to the clients or they would come to us. Today, clients themselves want to come and create with our designers in Pradiarni," says Marek Šolc, financial director of Lighting Beetle, which helps companies find innovative solutions to their business challenges. "Since we are dedicated to the fitout of offices, clients appreciate it when they see our work when they visit our premises," adds Tomáš Káčer from the BK company, which is part of the ZSE group.

At the same time, they both confirm that quality premises at a good address act as a magnet for finding quality employees. Companies in the ZWIRN Office can expect the same effect. "The employees like the project and perceive it as an indication that our company is moving in the right direction. "From the proximity of the bus station, the management of the company promises easier access to talent from the regions," says Tomáš Ostatník.

Simplified financing for chamber members

Part of the service when buying an office in the ZWIRN OFFICE project is a comprehensive service from the Finnish YIT, including the search for a suitable loan. "Clients have at their disposal our business loan advisor services based on cooperation with the five largest banks in Slovakia. Members of professional chambers can take out loans up to 250,000 euros without submitting financial statements," says Michaela Ochmanová, MRICS, manager of commercial premises at YIT Slovakia.