What does Light Green mean?

The Light Green label can be used by funds that claim sustainability aspects and measure, monitor and regularly report on environmental and/or social indicators.

The funds declare that they fulfill the set goals according to the set internal methodology for measuring environmental impacts and the plan for reducing them: for example, reducing the carbon footprint, reducing the energy consumption of buildings or limiting water consumption. "We have long-term cooperation with the independent platform Green0meter on the evaluation and reporting of sustainability parameters," adds Jarošová.

The sub-funds plan to continue moving towards sustainability according to the EU taxonomy. They must meet at least two of the required conditions to achieve this metric. Subfunds WOOD & Co. set goals in the areas of Mitigation, i.e. j. mitigation of climate change, with elements of adaptation to climate change, and in addition not to cause significant harm in other areas in accordance with the principle of "do not cause significant harm" to other persons (DNSH). Socially responsible goals naturally include, among other things, compliance with basic human rights, work and safety standards, and best management practices.

* WOOD & Company, investment fund with variable share capital, a. with.